Padrinos Guild

Padrinos Guild is a Men’s Guild of Valley Children’s Hospital that was revived in 2015. When first established, Padrinos supported Valley Children’s patients and families by visiting each patient with a balloon or gift in hand, helping to bring special needs, hopes and dreams to reality, and volunteering and supporting events like our annual NICU picnic. Padrinos Guild forged a path on which others continue today through our volunteer program, Patient Help Fund and the Guild’s Pink Pig Fund.

Today, Padrinos members continue by believing in the power of philanthropy to save children’s lives. When supporting Padrinos Guild, you are investing in helping to fund lifesaving technology, advancing clinical services, providing a safety net for children with little or no private medical insurance and creating a healing environment that enriches the experience of the patients and families at Valley Children’s Hospital.

Valley Children’s Hospital has one sole purpose – to care for kids 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Join us and help raise much needed funds for the sick and injured kids at Valley Children’s Hospital.

We are humbled by your generous spirit of philanthropy that enables Valley Children’s Hospital to provide the best care for our children. Your commitment and support will help Valley Children’s Hospital to bring the newest and most innovative cardiac treatments to mend broken hearts, ensure our patients and families continue to benefit from therapeutic play activities that reduce anxiety and promote healing, and ensure every child, parent, visitor and staff member receives spiritual care to bring peace in the midst of heartache.


Donated to Valley Children’s Hospital

Thank you!

The Guilds of Valley Children’s Healthcare

The Guilds have been raising funds for Valley Children’s since 1949. We are the largest financial contributors having raised over $30M. The Guilds are currently working towards a $5M Endowment to the Guilds Center for Community Health. The Guilds of Valley Children’s span the Central Valley with a membership of more than 1,200 members.

The Guilds carry on the history of the Five Founding Mothers and take pride in their longstanding mission of raising funds, advocating for children and promoting goodwill for Valley Children’s. The Guilds are “the Heart and Soul of Valley Children’s.”

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Contact Padrinos

We meet on the 2nd Thursday of each month 5:30pm. (Location may vary)

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